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Operational risk

Operational risk is, along with credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk, one of the main risks that banks have to manage. The continuous exposure to risk, its high significance and the regulatory requirements imposed on banks make an effective risk management tool an important element in mitigating this factor. An important element related to risk management is also internal control.The BSB offers a solution that responds to regulatory requirements for operational risk management and internal control. We offer a solution that corresponds to the requirements of the CRD Directive, the FSA’s resolutions and recommendations and good practices in the sector and, above all, a solution that helps to manage the operational risk in order to minimise operational losses completely. The system comprehensively supports the operational risk management process according to the Recommendation M, combining functionalities for management and supervisory needs. The system also enables the internal control responsibilities arising from the Recommendation H. The solution supports the  existing methodology of the institution and in the meantime it ensures its openness to future development easily adapting the system as the process changes. The system is mainly dedicated to financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, but can also be successfully implemented in the business enterprise sector.

We invite you to learn more about BSB’s offer in the area of the operational risk:

    • riskOPERON is a solution tailored to fully support the operational risk management process and to perform tasks arising from internal control. The solution supports the  existing methodology of the institution ensuring easy adaptation to the specifics of the bank’s process both at the implementation stage and when the operational risk management process evolves while using the System. The wide range of System configuration options makes it adaptable to the needs of users. The system can support operational risk and internal control or be dedicated to support only one area.